Sunday, September 03, 2006

Sunday Shuffle #2: Electric Boogaloo

So, kicking things off this week, Brand New - untitled #6. So, from my admittedly fairly limited knowledge of the emo genre, Brand New's second album Deja Entendu totally blasts all others out of the water.

The follow up should be coming soon, and I'm sure I'll talk more about when it does, but for now I'm making do with a collection of demos of songs that may or may not appear on that album, of which this is the 6th. I don't have a clue what method was used to number them, but whatever it is, it put this one 6th. The collection as a whole has certainly done nothing to dent my excitement about that album, but this one in particular is just so very murky and as to make it difficult to make anything of it.

Next, The Sleepy Jackson - Rain Falls For Wind. Wait, are you sure? Because I'm sure this is a James song. Seriously, this is totally on Pleased To Meet You, I swear. Well, uh, that album is awesome, so I guess this must be too.

Story Of The Year - Page Avenue. So, this is one of those things that ended up in my [MUSIC PLAYER OF CHOICE] library through no deliberate intention of mine. It's emo pop-punk stuff that's certainly not blasting anything out of anywhere, but it's not bad, as this sort of thing goes. I can listen to this and not get annoyed, which is something.

Stereophonics - Positively 4th Street. Well, it's not as bad as their cover of Nothing Compares 2 U, which is actually the worst thing ever.

The Bluetones - The Watchman. Mark Morriss's (far too many esses there) voice is really too wimpy for this song, but... it's The Bluetones. They're one of those bands that I just can't really be negative about, you know? They made me love music.

Red Hot Chili Peppers - Throw Away Your Television. It's from By The Way which is (not counting Greatest Hits, which totally wins if you do) most definitely their only good album. Mostly because, unlike the others, it doesn't have too many songs like this. Still, despite not having actually heard it, I'm going to assume that this better than just about anything on Stadium Arcadium. If there's one thing the world didn't need, it's a Red Hot Chili Peppers double album.

Haven - Til The End. Well this is just great because it's so fun to attempt to sing along with that ridiculous voice, honestly. Still, this, their first single, is and will almost certainly remain their crowning achievement.

Haven - Out Of Reach. Come on now. It's not fun enough for two songs.

JJ72 - I Saw A Prayer. So, why wasn't this the second single? Seriously, Always And Forever? What the hell? Well, since no one cared by then anyway, Serpent Sky would be best for the hilarity, but seriously, Always And Forever? Why?

And to finish off, Mew - Circuitry Of The Wolf. Well, that's just a completely stupid place to end. It's an intro. It cuts off just when it's starting to get going. Argh. You just haven't been very impressive with the choices this week, [MUSIC PLAYER OF CHOICE]. Try harder next time.



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